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Nevada Thespian Bylaws

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Nevada Thespians  

Constitution and By-Laws

Revision August 2023


Nevada Thespians Constitution and By-Laws will be evaluated yearly by the board and revisions will be made as necessary.





Section 1.1 NAME:

The name of this organization shall be NEVADA THESPIANS, a division of the Educational Theatre Association, and is bound by that organization’s by-laws and philosophy.


Section 1.2 PHILOSOPHY: 

NEVADA THESPIANS is an honorary organization for secondary students, teachers and professionals interested in theater. 


Section 1.3 MISSION:

The mission of NEVADA THESPIANS shall be to create an artistic, educational and professional network for theatre arts educators, students, professionals and enthusiasts to share ideas and support the effort to have theatre arts recognized in all phases of education and lifelong learning by: promoting high professional standards through collaborative education, cultivating support to sustain and grow Nevada Thespians, honoring the work and recognizing the achievement of Nevada Thespians and others, producing educational events, programming and publications to expand the knowledge and skills base for Nevada Thespians and the field of theatre education, promoting the work of Nevada Thespians and its membership to the public, and serving Nevada Thespians by being the leading advocate for theatre arts education.





Section 2.1 Eligibility

Membership to NEVADA THESPIANS is automatic to any secondary school in Nevada upon joining the International Thespian Society, and by following the rules and by-laws set up by that organization. Except for conference, festivals and the State Conference, no payment beyond annual membership to International Thespians need be made in order to belong to or to participate in the activities of Nevada Thespians, a chapter of the Educational Theater Association (EdTA)


Section 2.2 Adult Memberships 

Adult Membership may consist of 

  1. Professional Members –Professional members belonging to a business organization whose mission matches or enhances Nevada Thespians.

  2. Pre-professional Members – Full-time university, college, or conservatory students

  3. Affiliate Professional Members– Adults actively involved with an ITS troupe

  4. Emeritus Members – Educators who have retired from full-time teaching

Section 2.3 International Thespian Society Membership. 

The student honor society membership division of Nevada Thespians is the International Thespian Society (ITS). The two current classes of ITS membership are: (1) Thespians; and (2) Junior Thespians.




Section 3.1. Organization. Nevada Thespians shall be organized to include a Chapter Director, Chapter Board, State Thespian Officers, Staff, Troupe directors, and students.





Section 4.1 Powers and Duties. The entire direction and management of the affairs of Nevada Thespians shall be vested in the Chapter Director and Chapter Board shall have complete discretion over the business activities, funds and properties of Nevada  Thespians, and who shall have complete authority with respect to the expenditures and disbursements, necessary to carry out the purposes and activities of Nevada Thespians.


Section 4.2 The Voting Chapter/State Board of NEVADA THESPIANS will consist of:

  1. State Director or Co-Directors

  2. State Board of at least five elected students.

  3. State Board of at least five elected troupe directors and/or community members 

  4. Optional:  A Treasurer who may be appointed by the Voting State Board.  The treasurer’s position may be filled by one of the Co-State Directors if there are at least two.


Section 4.3 Non-voting members may include, but are not limited to:

  1. Other administrative appointees, such as Troupe Directors and community members to fill coordinator positions as determined by the State Director and confirmed by the State Board.

  2. The host school Troupe Directors (Host School Coordinators) and one representative of the host school for each State Thespian conference, to be known as ex officio members.


Section 4.4 Terms of Office:

  1. Each Student State Board member will serve a term of one year. 

  2. The State Director shall serve for a term of not less than four years and may be re-elected to office, following the guidelines set by the EdTA.

  3. Adult Board Members shall serve a 4-year term and may be re-elected for another term with no term limits


Section 4.5 ELECTIONS 


Section 4.5.1 Chapter Director

To serve as Chapter Director, an individual shall be a voting member in good standing with the Educational Theatre Association. The candidate must have served as a member of the Chapter Board for two years before being nominated and/or elected to the position of Chapter Director. The candidate for Chapter Director must have demonstrated positive leadership and service to Nevada Thespians. The Chapter Director shall be nominated by the Board of Directors. The Chapter Director shall serve a four-year term in accordance with the EdTA Chapter Director voting procedures.  The Chapter Director may be re-elected by the same procedure every four years. The Chapter Director may serve more than one term, with no term limits.


Section 4.5.2 Voting Board Members

The ADULT VOTING BOARD is selected each year after the State conference.  It is composed of members at least 21 years of age and at least 4 years post high school graduation who have served at least the previous full year as an adjunct member and wish to be more involved in all conferences as well as decision making. The voting board consists of 11 seats--This includes chapter directors. There will be at least one Northern and/or rural Nevada (non CCSD) voting member on the board at all times, unless no northern or rural applications are submitted. In order to run for a voting board position, candidates must be a current official adjunct or voting member. No more than two adults from the same school can serve on the voting board concurrently.


Section 4.5.3 Adjunct Board Members

The ADULT ADJUNCT BOARD is composed of individuals at least 21 years of age and at least 4 years post high school graduation, who wish to be a part of the board to assist with conferences, discuss issues, policies and ideas, but are not able to attend all meetings and events. The adjunct member is a non-voting member of the board.  The adjunct member is welcome to attend any or all meetings and events as they are able and to voice their ideas and concerns. The adjunct member may serve on any board committee and/or be in charge of any board duty except voting. These board members can choose to remain adjunct members as long as they wish and are an integral part of Nevada Thespians.


Section 4.5.4 Student State Thespian Officers

  1. Any thespian of good standing may run for the State Thespian Officer Board. Each school may choose up to two candidates to run for STO. 

  2. Each student candidate will be given procedures to follow in order to run for STO

  3. State Thespian Board candidates (adults and students) must meet with the current State Board to set up and help with running the state conference.

  4. The new student state board (hereafter called STO, State Thespian Officers) and the new adult state board members will be elected by the current adult and student state board at said special meeting during the State Conference according to the STO and board voting procedures set forth.

  5. The newly elected/appointed board members will be announced at the State Thespian conference.


Section 4.6 Removal of Board Members 

The Chapter Board may remove any Appointed or Elected Board Members by a majority vote of the Chapter Board, at a meeting duly called and held for such purpose. After consultation with the Chapter Board, the Chapter Director has the right to remove any member of the board from office at any time for inappropriate use of information, for violating the confidentiality agreement of the Board, for inappropriate behavior, or for any other reason as agreed upon by the Board of Directors. 


Section 4.7 Vacancies

Chapter Director may fill any vacancy that may occur in the Chapter Board, including Elected or Appointed Board Members by election of a successor Board Member to hold office during the unexpired term of the vacant position.





Section 5.1 Responsibilities 


The State Director shall:

  1. Attend each meeting called.

  2. Preside over all meetings of the State Board.

  3. Communicate quarterly with all troupe directors.

  4. Recruit new troupes into NEVADA Thespians.

  5. Coordinate all events and the State Conference with the host schools.

  6. Keep an accurate record of expenditures and income and present an annual report with the first newsletter, unless there is a State Treasurer, in which case the State Director will coordinate these records with the State Treasurer.

  7. Appoint committee heads as deemed necessary.

  8. Coordinate notification of Thespian troupes and interested non-affiliated schools at least 3 weeks in advance of upcoming conference and festival, including rules and registration forms.   

  9. Serve as public relations coordinator.

  10. The State Director may receive an annual honorarium of $500. 

  11. The State Director shall be reimbursed for all travel and telephone costs dealing with NEVADA Thespians.  NEVADA THESPIANS will pay for or reimburse The State Director for travel and registration for EdTA and Nevada Thespian Festivals and Conferences as funding allows. (Regional, Leadership/Tech, International, Leadership Summit and Annual Conference)

The State Director coordinates all Nevada Thespian festivals and:

  1. Works with Host Schools and Coordinators to plan the festival.

  2. Provides guidelines for registration materials, rules of competition, and ballots.

  3. Together with the judges coordinator and workshop coordinator determines a budget for paying judges and presenters, based on number of entries and anticipated income and communicates this to State Board.  The State Director is ultimately responsible for keeping the event in the black.

  4. Provide the judges Honorariums and/or a gift cards or checks.

  5. Provide materials and supplies needed for conferences

  6. Work with the Awards Coordinator to provide name badges, ribbons and/or plaques for awards .

  7. Creates copies and puts out for publication copies of schedules as needed



THE BOARD (both Student and Adult)  SHALL:

  1. Attend each meeting called.  The State Board will meet at least once each month either virtually or in person.  Additional meetings may be called by the Board.

  2. Attend the annual State Board Retreat.

  3. Attend and assist at the set up meetings for conferences.

  4. Fulfill the duties and tasks of their specific board position  

  5. Attend the annual state board retreat (generally in August)

  6. Travel may be required 

  7. Attend and adjudicate shows applying for the main stage at the State Conference in needed.

  8. Communicate quarterly (at least) to all Thespian troupes.

  9. Inform all troupes about upcoming conferences or festivals at least three weeks in advance with the host school.

  10. Plan the state conference.

  11. Welcome troupes to the events.

  12. Meet at state thespian events with troupe officers from NEVADA schools, as well as with the State Director. A pre-planned agenda should be sent to troupe presidents before the even so they may have a discussion with their individual troupes before said meeting.

  13. Each State Board member may be reimbursed for all travel and telephone costs dealing with NEVADA THESPIANS with State Board approval. Mileage reimbursement will be made at the rate of 25 cents per mile for all miles over 30 and/or airfare will be paid for

  14. The TREASURER  shall be reimbursed for travel and registration at 50% to all EdTA festivals and conferences as funding allows.  (International, Leadership Summit and Annual Conference)

  15. The CHAPTER DIRECTOR’s conference fees and transportation to and from required conferences will be paid for.

  16. Work with host schools to obtain workshop leaders Conferences.

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