Meet STO Samantha Pedote!

Samantha Pedote is a senior at Liberty High School Troupe 6730! She is a nerd with a big family and loves all things Disney, Marvel, Star Wars, and more. Over quarantine, she has gotten back into playing video games like Skyrim and reading chapter books from middle school. Her dream place to vacation someday is Disney World! This year, Samantha hopes to help Nevada thespians learn about taking care of their mental health in the world of performing arts. She is looking forward to seeing you all at regionals!
Questions From Thespians:
What is your dream role?
In several ways, I feel like I’ve already played my dream role; Johnny in The Outsiders
last year. I really loved the role because it was an opportunity for me to explore my
journey with mental health on the stage and show people what it’s like living with
anxiety and other mental health issues. Also, it was really fun to do stage combat. That
was probably my favorite part.
What's a funny moment that happened to you on stage?
So something that I found really funny was in The Outsiders. During one of the dress
rehearsals we were running a fight scene and my partner actually punched me in the
face. It wasn't that bad and I was actually able to keep going, so I fell limp, which is what
I was choreographed to do. But from her point of view, that must’ve been so scary
because she punched me in the face on accident and had to walk off the stage as if
nothing happened!
Why did you join theatre?
I had done little shows in elementary school and I had a lot of fun with that. Once I got
to middle school, I did a lot of choir; we didn’t have any theatre programs in middle
school. My older sister Alexis was a part of Liberty theatre all four years so when I joined
my freshman year, it was kind of following in her footsteps. I stuck around because I
loved it so much and wanted to learn even more.
What is your favorite show to watch?
I don’t watch a lot of live T.V. as it’s coming out. However, some of my favorite shows
have been BBC’s Merlin and Dr. Who. I also really loved Avatar the Last Airbender, the
children's animated show. I think it’s incredible. Recently, The Mandalorian on Disney+
has gotten me back into my Star Wars obsession.
What is your favorite festival memory?
My favorite festival memory is just the time spent hanging out with other thespians. The
energy that comes with having that many passionate people in one place is crazy and I’ll
never forget the casual interactions.
What was it like running for STO?
Running for STO was insane and was so much fun. There was a lot of work and it took a
lot of time, but it was the most fun I’ve ever had at a state festival. I’ll never forget that
experience and the people who got me through it!
What is your dream career?
Obviously I’m graduating this year and heading to college. I’m looking to go into early
childhood education and probably becoming a teacher in that course. My dream career
would be working at Disneyland, but I know it’s not the most realistic option.
Do you have any advice for new thespians?
Get involved and stay involved! I’ve been going to festivals since my freshman year and
it's been the best way to keep the passion going and to find other people who like the
same things that I do. It’s been the craziest time and the most fun. So get involved if you
have the opportunity!
What is your favorite quote?
"Don’t make assumptions. Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you
really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstanding,
sadness, and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your
life.” - Don Miguel Ruiz
What has it been like being an STO?
Being an STO this year is obviously very different from any other year. It's honestly
something I never thought I would ever do. I’m very glad I made that choice, though,
because this year especially I’ve had the amazing opportunity to create experiences for
new and old thespians to keep them engaged. I get to be a light for them, especially
during these hard times. That’s my favorite part.

Thank you for reading! Check out our live posts on Instagram @nvthespians for updates, Q+A, and more!