Opportunity is knocking!
Want to get more involved? Keep an eye on our website for links to apply to be a future STO, Send-a-thespian to State grants, Opening...
Opportunity is knocking!
Leadership and Technical Theatre Conference
Adult State Board Applications
STO Saturdays - Day 11 - Macey Shackelford
STO Saturdays - Day 10 - Cloe Madison
STO Saturdays - Day 9 - Scott Keesler
STO Saturdays - Day 8 - Robyn Simpson
STO Saturdays - Day 7 - Ryann Cassagrande
STO Saturdays - Day 6 - Sydney Lewis
STO Saturdays - Day 5 - Kylee Morse
STO Saturdays - Day 4 - Samantha Pedote
State-Wide Social! (TOMORROW - Dec. 30th @6pm)
STO Saturdays - Day 3 - Maddison Wood
STO Saturdays - Day 2 - Christian Robertson
STO Saturdays - Day 1 - Alejandra Coyoy
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